Baltic Control Bulgaria Ltd.
Member of Baltic Control Group® – Denmark which operates worldwide through their multiple affiliates, offices and employees 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Baltic Control Bulgaria has a team of high qualified experienced inspectors and operational offices able to undertake cargo superintendence at all the Bulgarian Black Sea ports – Varna, Bourgas, Balchik, Danube River ports – Svishtov, Russe, Silistra and inland as well.
We offer reliability and flexibility to our clients in the implementation of many different services. The quality and independent services we provide with speed, honesty and professionalism help our clients to reduce their risk and make the right management decisions.
Baltic Control Bulgaria carries out activities in the fields of cargo superintendence, certification, testing and verification, control of commodity deposits, monitoring, technical survey of warehouses for cargo storage suitability, marine surveys, investigation of claims and emergency findings.
Baltic Control Bulgaria is a member of GAFTA – International Grain and Feed Trade Association; FOSFA – International Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Associations; has a certified quality management system in compliance to international standard ISO 9001:2015.
Baltic Control Bulgaria has GAFTA approved laboratory for testing of grains, cereals, legumes and animal feedstuffs. Reed more…
Certificates issued by Baltic Control Bulgaria are recognized by the international commercial and financial societies worldwide. They are a guarantee to our clients for safe and reliable payments and can be used for insurances or assets valuation.
Baltic Control Group®, as well as Baltic Control Bulgaria, is a certified member of TIC Council (International association representing independent testing, inspection and certification companies). Read more…
Baltic Control Group® supports sponsorships and charity organisations in their efforts for helping people in need all over the world. Read more…
Baltic Control Group® is well presented in European and Scandinavian countries, has a wide attendance in the African, Asian continent and the Middle East. It operates through its numerous branches and offices, the largest of which are in Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, South and North America, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. Read more…
Baltic Control Group® offers a broad range of specialized services as: inspection and certification of waste materials; verification of the conformity of products; inspection of pesticides, herbicides, insecticides and others before shipment to: People’s Republic of China, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan, Republic of South Sudan, Sudan, India, Malaysia. Read more…
Baltic Control Bulgaria Ltd
Head Office: Sofia 1505, 38 Cherkovna Str., entr. A, office A1
Mob.: + 359 899 854198
Tel.: + 359 2 9437025
Fax: + 359 2 418 72 35
е-mail: office@balticcontrol-bg.com
We would be delighted to assist you in your business!